Erin Doman on July 15, 2015 2 Comments You may scoff at the idea of leftover wine. There is no such thing as having too much wine! Well, usually this is true, but sometimes you may find yourself with wine that you either can’t or don’t want to finish. If you do ever find yourself with a bit too much wine on hand–for whatever reason–don’t just toss it, use it! There are plenty of unique things that you can do with leftover wine–from creative recipes to cleaning methods. Let’s face it: pouring wine down the drain is an incredible waste, but drinking wine that’s been sitting out for a while isn’t always an attractive option. To help solve that conundrum, here are 9 ways in which you can use that leftover wine. 1. Freeze It Even if you don’t know exactly what you want to do with your leftover wine right away, you can always freeze it for later. The easiest thing to do with any leftover wine is to pour it into an ice cube tray, freeze it and save it for later. Freezing the wine will preserve it for later use, without risking the possibility of it becoming sour. This means you will be able to use the wine for any of the suggestions below for much longer. Once the wine is frozen, remember to remove it from the ice cube tray and place it into plastic baggies or containers. This will preserve the wine without staining the ice cube tray or preventing it from being used for other things. Something unique that you can do with these frozen wine cubes is use them to cool down your drinks. This way you can have a cooled down glass of wine without using normal ice cubes, which will water down your wine as they melt. 2. Cook With It Cooking with wine can be incredible and tasty. There is a nearly infinite list of recipes that call for different types of wine. This can include both savory dishes and desserts. Depending on what type of leftover wine you have, you could make anything from a savory wine sauce for your pasta to even sweeter, more dessert-like dishes. Try combining this step with the previous one about freezing your wine. These frozen wine cubes are also great for cooking with. It is easy to just drop a cube or two into your cooking pot or pan for an extra kick to your meal. A typical ice cube is 1 fluid ounce of water, so you can use this as a base for measuring out the correct amount of wine for your meal. However, the precise amount of fluid ounces that your frozen wine cubes are really depends on your ice tray. 3. Make Wine Vinegar This is a little bit more complicated than the other suggestions on the list, but it can produce incredible results. By adding one specific ingredient, a type of vinegar bacteria called Mycoderma aceti, you could produce your own uniquely flavored and delicious wine vinegar. Mycoderma aceti can be found in many raw or unpasteurized vinegars. The whole process could take up to a couple of weeks and can lead to some interesting smells, but it will be worth it in the end. If you want to make your own wine vinegar, you will need a glass crock with a spigot, a Mycoderma aceti, also known as a “mother”, your leftover wine, and a whole lot of patience and time. 4. Clean with Wine You can use this homemade wine vinegar to help you clean around your house. White wine vinegar has proven to be an effective cleaning agent. You can use it straight on your counter tops as a disinfectant. White wine vinegar may be able to sanitize your kitchen surfaces from salmonella. It can also help lift some hard-to-remove stains from your counter tops. Avoid using white wine vinegar to clean granite, however, as the acidity can cause damage. White wine can also be used to clean your windows. Simply pour a little white wine in a spray bottle and dilute it with water. Spray on your windows and wipe away to cut through dust and grease buildup. There is some debate on the effectiveness of this process, but some claim that red wine stains can be cleaned with white wine and baking soda. Feel free to try this method yourself, but you might want to test it on something invaluable before you try it on your expensive carpet or furniture. 5. Cleanse Produce This may seem like it would create a sticky, boozy mess, but it’s just the opposite. Using wine to aid in rinsing fruits and vegetables helps to kill unhealthy bacteria that can accumulate on the surfaces of these items, such as salmonella and E. coli. Add a bit of wine and some water to a spray bottle and spritz your produce in order to make them safe for everyone to eat. Remember to rinse the produce afterward, especially if the item is going to be eaten raw. Not rinsing could cause rotting, attract ants, and be harmful to children. 6. Moisturize Skin Again, this suggestion seems sticky and weird, but it’s not. Adding a small dose of red wine to a bath can help to moisturize a person’s skin. Ingredients within the wine help to exfoliate, soften, disinfect and repair your skin to create a smooth and flawless look. Add about a cup or two of wine (or a few of those ice cubes from earlier) to get your bath started. Many spas are now coming out with red wine facials and skin treatments. Vinotherapy has actually become quite trendy. If you plan on copying this skin remedy at home, be sure to dilute your red wine with water (or rose water, if you want to get fancy). Don’t leave the mixture on your skin for too long either, or it might stain your skin. You can also find red wine-based cleansers and lotions on the market that promise beautiful results. 7. Fertilize Plants Though it may sound counter intuitive, you can actually use your leftover wine to fertilize your plants. Wine has nitrogen, which makes a great addition to your composting bin. Pouring red wine into your compost activates the good bacteria within the already present mixture in order to help your plants or garden grow. Just be sure to keep your compost bin’s moisture under control once you add the wine. You may need to add a few more dry ingredients, such as cardboard, to compensate for the added moisture. 8. Make Sangria, Mulled Wine or Wine Coolers If you are still wanting to drink your leftover wine, why not use it to make something unique? Taking your leftover wine and making sangria or mulled wine is a great way to preserve your wine and still keep the party going. Why not make something unappealing into a tasty treat? Most sangrias and mulled wines are quick to make and only require a few select ingredients. There are nearly endless possibilities for these mulled wine and sangria recipes, so prepare to get creative! 9. Save it For Later If nothing else strikes your fancy, you can always pour the excess back into the bottle and keep it for later. If there is less than half of the bottle left, pour it into a smaller wine bottle and stick it in the fridge for safe keeping. The smaller bottle will keep the wine from accumulating too much excess oxygen, which would sour the wine. This is great for anyone who only enjoys one or two drinks every now and again. If you find yourself needing to reseal your wine frequently, you might consider purchasing a wine preserver. These tools will keep your wine fresh for even longer than it would otherwise. There are many options for dealing with excess wine. Whether you want to cook, clean, moisturize or drink, leftover wine could be your saving grace.
giovanna Lipari says January 20, 2019 at 2:59 pm is wine good to just pour it on the house plants ? Reply
Christy says July 4, 2020 at 9:46 am I would set it in the sun to let the alcohol evaporate then dilute it, just to be sure. I would think that acid loving plants like wine. Reply