Sarah on August 21, 2013 0 Comments On average, how many bottles of wine do you drink a week? One? Three? Five or more? What do you do with the corks? Throw them away? That’s anywhere between 52 and 260+ corks a year disposed of by you alone. Do you own or work for a business that consumes or sells wine? On average, how many bottles of wine do you sell a week? Ten? Twenty? Fifty? That’s anywhere between 520 and 2,600+ corks disposed of by your business alone. ReCORK, a wine cork recycling initiative, wants these wine corks! ReCORK uses your corks to make footwear and other products, as well as plants new cork trees. So far they have collected 44,590,194 corks and planted 8,094 trees. To join in the movement, find a ReCORK partner near you and drop off your corks, or have your company become a partner and start collecting your community’s corks at your place of business. We’ve recently partnered with ReCORK here at WineCoolerDirect and are loving how easy and fun it is to recycle our corks.